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Author Archives: Jay Butchko


The Need to Plan for Guardianship of Minor Children

By Legacy Protection, LLP |

When people think about estate planning, most people believe it is only for the elderly or the wealthy.  Moreover, many people believe that estate planning is only for those individuals who have family disharmony or need to minimize estate taxes.  However, many young individuals tend to overlook an important aspect of estate planning: planning… Read More »

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4 Mistakes to Avoid in Estate Planning During the Coronavirus Pandemic

By Legacy Protection, LLP |

As doctors urge Americans to establish their estate plans amid the coronavirus pandemic, an increasing number of people are taking this advice seriously.  During these times of uncertainty, Americans are working with their families to decide what is best for them. Some are updating their current plans and others are establishing a plan for… Read More »

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Naming More Than One Personal Representative in Your Florida Will

By Legacy Protection, LLP |

One of the first decisions a person must make when creating a Florida Will is selecting the person they wish to serve as the Personal Representative (sometimes called Executor in other states) of their Estate. For many married individuals with adult children, the decision is usually to name their spouse as their Personal Representative. … Read More »

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Estate Planning During the COVID-19 Pandemic: 5 Things to Consider

By Legacy Protection, LLP |

Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, federal and state agencies have taken unprecedented steps to ease the economic burden. In particular, the U.S. government extended some tax filings deadlines and introduced changes that could impact probate court filings and other estate planning processes. 5 Things to Consider for Estate Planning in the Coronavirus… Read More »

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Notarizing Estate Planning Documents During the COVID-19 Pandemic

By Legacy Protection, LLP |

During the coronavirus pandemic, many Americans cannot help but wonder, “Who will make medical decisions on my behalf if I become incapacitated?” and “Is this the right time to create an estate plan?” The COVID-19 pandemic has created a surge in requests to draft wills, trusts, and other financial and healthcare documents. Many people… Read More »

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Online Estate Planning Platforms Are Booming in the Coronavirus Era, But Here’s Why You Shouldn’t Use Them

By Legacy Protection, LLP |

An ever-increasing number of Americans of all ages turned to estate planning as the coronavirus pandemic continues to ravage the country. As more and more Americans are looking to set up Wills and create trusts, online estate planning platforms have seen a surge in users. However, experts and lawyers alike caution Americans against using… Read More »

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COVID-19: How to Talk to Your Parents & Grandparents About Estate Planning

By Legacy Protection, LLP |

The COVID-19 pandemic reminded many Americans that life is unpredictable. As evident from recent reports in the surge of the demand for Wills, the coronavirus pandemic has many Americans wondering if their families will be ready upon their death. While an increasing number of Americans move to secure their future, many are still refusing… Read More »

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Preparing for Coronavirus: Your #1 Legal Document

By Legacy Protection, LLP |

As the coronavirus continues to disrupt daily life and leave Americans uncertain of the future, you don’t have to feel helpless during this pandemic. In fact, now is a great time to be proactive and plan ahead before your or another family member falls ill. One of the most important things you should do… Read More »

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Intentionally Defective Grantor Trust (IDGT): What is It and What Are the Benefits?

By Legacy Protection, LLP |

Despite its no-so-appealing name, an intentionally defective grantor trust (IDGT) can prove to be a valuable estate planning tool for tax purposes. As an increasing number of Floridians incorporate IDGTs into their estate plans, this tool is not “defective” at all. On the contrary, it offers many benefits and can be effective for estate… Read More »

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Coronavirus (COVID-19): Estate Planning During the Pandemic

By Legacy Protection, LLP |

The death toll from the COVID-disease topped over 15,000 globally, including over 400 deaths in the U.S.  As of March 22, 2020, there were more than 32,000 confirmed cases of the virus in all states across the nation. The coronavirus has disrupted our daily lives, halted business operations, and clogged the arteries of global… Read More »

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