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Author Archives: Jay Butchko


How To Choose A Personal Representative For Your Will

By Legacy Protection, LLP |

When it is time to plan your estate, choosing the right executor for your Will is a decision that requires careful consideration. In Florida, the executor is referred to as the personal representative and this person plays a pivotal role in handling the administration of your estate and carrying out your wishes. When choosing… Read More »

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In Florida, There Are Three Types Of Probate

By Legacy Protection, LLP |

Losing someone you love is one of the hardest things you will ever go through. During this difficult time, you should not have to worry about navigating the legal process for administering the estate they left behind. In Florida, the probate process can quickly become complex. For example, many people do not know that… Read More »

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The Risks Of Omitting Your Spouse From Your Will

By Legacy Protection, LLP |

According to a recent survey, two out of three adult Americans have not yet created an estate plan. Failing to have a plan in place can leave you and your family unprotected in the event that the unexpected happens. However, failing to fully consider the law when creating your plan is equally harmful. Deciding… Read More »

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Differences Between Beneficiaries And Heirs

By Legacy Protection, LLP |

The terms ‘heir’ and ‘beneficiary’ are often used interchangeably, but there are important differences between the two. It is important to understand these differences when creating your estate plan. If you do not, it could cause unnecessary complications and confusion among your family members and other loved ones in the future. Below, our St…. Read More »

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Common Misconceptions About Probate In Florida

By Legacy Protection, LLP |

It is a sad but true fact that most people have experienced the death of someone they care about or they know somebody who has been through the process of grieving a loved one and managing the deceased loved one’s legal affairs.  Due to this, there are many misconceptions about the probate in Florida… Read More »

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What Happens If You Do Not Have A Power Of Attorney?

By Legacy Protection, LLP |

Your Last Will and Testament is the foundation of any estate plan, but there are many other documents you should consider drafting so your best interests are protected. While some of these are not effective until you pass away, others come into effect during your lifetime. In Florida, a durable power of attorney will… Read More »

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What Happens If My Spouse Passes Away Before Updating Their Will?

By Legacy Protection, LLP |

Losing the person you loved the most in the world, and that you shared a life and home with, may be the hardest thing you will ever have to experience. During the time that you are grieving the loss, you may feel additional stress if you learn that your spouse did not update their… Read More »

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Your Options After Inheriting A Home With A Lien On It

By Legacy Protection, LLP |

It can be a mixed blessing to inherit a home from a loved one. You may choose to sell it immediately, or at some point in the future, and that could leave you with a tidy sum of money. Before selling the property, there may be many issues you have to address. If there… Read More »

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Things To Know About Contesting A Trust In Florida

By Legacy Protection, LLP |

For many people, trusts make up an important part of estate plans. Trusts have many benefits, including helping your beneficiaries avoid probate court, while also protecting assets for your heirs. Unfortunately, creating a trust does not guarantee that they will work in the way they were intended. Issues can arise and they typically require… Read More »

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Frequently Asked Questions About Last Will And Testaments

By Legacy Protection, LLP |

A last will and testament, more commonly simply referred to as a will, is a legal document that expresses your wishes after you pass away. It tells the court and your loved ones what your final wishes are for your assets and other property. The directions within your will only become effective once you… Read More »

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