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Author Archives: Jay Butchko


How a Premarital Agreement (Prenup) Can Be a Powerful Estate Planning Tool

By Legacy Protection, LLP |

Many people tend to think that prenuptial – or premarital – agreements are used solely to protect assets in a divorce. However, a prenuptial agreement can also serve as a powerful tool in estate planning. Why Do You Need a Prenuptial Agreement As Part of Your Estate Plans? One of the key reasons why… Read More »

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Asset Protection Planning Strategies in Florida to Shield Your Assets from Future Creditors

By Legacy Protection, LLP |

Florida citizens are becoming increasingly curious and proactive about asset protection planning. Our St. Petersburg asset protection lawyers are often asked about how to protect assets from lawsuits and other creditors, and whether there is anything you can do to protect your assets in the event you are sued. Who Can Benefit from Asset… Read More »

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What if You Die Without a Will in Florida? Who Inherits Your Property?

By Legacy Protection, LLP |

How your family will inherit property after you die without a will depends on your state’s intestacy laws. Unless you have an estate plan where you choose your beneficiaries to avoid Florida’s intestacy laws, your property will be passed to your heirs in two different ways: Outside of probate (by operation of law or… Read More »

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4 Key Reasons to Update Your Estate Planning Documents During or After a Divorce

By Legacy Protection, LLP |

Commonly in estate plans for married couples, the spouse is named as a beneficiary and as a decision-maker in the event of disability.  The spouse is named to make healthcare, legal, and financial decisions as well as control the assets of any minor or special needs children. However, when a married couple files for… Read More »

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Do Not Forget About Your Digital Assets in your Estate Plans

By Legacy Protection, LLP |

You have more digital assets than you realize. In fact, you may be reading this article right now from a device that stores many of your digital assets. But what happens to those assets after you die? In other words, can your digital assets be included in your estate planning documents? After all, if… Read More »

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Who Can Benefit from Healthcare Advance Directives in their Estate Plans?

By Legacy Protection, LLP |

Advance directives can be a vital part of your estate plan, but certain people can benefit more so than others. If you live in Florida and are updating or establishing your estate plans, you may have thought about including documents such as a living will or healthcare surrogate.  Any individual who wants to identify… Read More »

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Avoid Potential Financial Disaster by Having an Estate Plan in Florida

By Legacy Protection, LLP |

Most people think about putting together an estate plan, but they don’t always follow through with it. If you’ve been thinking about starting your estate plan, it’s important to start the process sooner rather than later. Having a comprehensive estate plan is not just about what happens to your assets when you pass away…. Read More »

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Asset Protection as Part of your Estate Planning

By Legacy Protection, LLP |

When it comes to estate planning, most people believe it is primarily about who gets what when you pass away. However, a very important part of your estate plan should include how to protect the hard-earned assets you have accumulated during your lifetime. If you wait until you’re facing a crisis, it’s often too… Read More »

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How an Attorney can Help with the Probate Process

By Legacy Protection, LLP |

When a family member passes away, it can be a logistical nightmare on top of being an emotional roller coaster. The last thing you want to worry about in addition to the grief is navigating the probate process. Dealing with the court system and lengthy legal procedures is confusing and often overwhelming. This is… Read More »

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4 Ways to Reduce Conflict with Your St. Petersburg Estate Plan

By Legacy Protection, LLP |

Conflicts related to an inheritance shouldn’t come as a surprise, as it’s very common for family members to have disagreements related to who should receive what when someone passes away, or over how to take care of an ailing loved one. It’s important to take steps early on to minimize the potential for conflict… Read More »

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