Author Archives: Jay Butchko

Avoid Potential Financial Disaster by Having an Estate Plan in Florida
Most people think about putting together an estate plan, but they don’t always follow through with it. If you’ve been thinking about starting your estate plan, it’s important to start the process sooner rather than later. Having a comprehensive estate plan is not just about what happens to your assets when you pass away…. Read More »

Asset Protection as Part of your Estate Planning
When it comes to estate planning, most people believe it is primarily about who gets what when you pass away. However, a very important part of your estate plan should include how to protect the hard-earned assets you have accumulated during your lifetime. If you wait until you’re facing a crisis, it’s often too… Read More »

How an Attorney can Help with the Probate Process
When a family member passes away, it can be a logistical nightmare on top of being an emotional roller coaster. The last thing you want to worry about in addition to the grief is navigating the probate process. Dealing with the court system and lengthy legal procedures is confusing and often overwhelming. This is… Read More »

4 Ways to Reduce Conflict with Your St. Petersburg Estate Plan
Conflicts related to an inheritance shouldn’t come as a surprise, as it’s very common for family members to have disagreements related to who should receive what when someone passes away, or over how to take care of an ailing loved one. It’s important to take steps early on to minimize the potential for conflict… Read More »

Do I need an Advance Directive as Part of My Tampa Bay Estate Plan?
Drafting a will, setting up a trust, and deciding who gets what assets are only a portion of what a complete estate plan should include. Another important aspect to address is what should happen in the event you become incapacitated. If you are seriously injured or develop dementia later in life, you may not… Read More »

What Role Do Personal Representatives Play in a Florida Probate?
When you set up an estate plan, you will be asked to designate a number of potential positions, including a personal representative, or executor, of the will. You may also hear of a personal representative or executor referred to as an administrator. The terms may be somewhat interchangeable between states, but the individual duties… Read More »

Common Myths and Misconceptions about Probate Administration in Florida
It’s understandable that most people don’t want to know much about probate. Let’s face it, who wants to focus on topics that deal with your death? However, estate planning and probate basics are important to understand. You should be prepared, especially when other people are depending on you. If you are unprepared, it can… Read More »

What to Watch for When You Suspect a Florida Trustee of Breaching Their Fiduciary Duty
Trustees are the ones who manage the assets of a trust on behalf of the beneficiaries. They are to manage the assets in whatever manner the trust terms dictate. This is known as their fiduciary duty. When a trustee fails in this duty, it’s considered a breach of fiduciary duty and the beneficiaries may… Read More »

What Does Undue Influence Mean in Florida Estate Planning?
Many people have heard the term undue influence, but what exactly does it mean? The legal concept of undue influence in Florida law is an important one. When someone exercises undue influence over a victim’s person’s assets, will, or money, a Florida court can invalidate the victim’s estate planning documents. A typical example of… Read More »
Congratulations to Jay Fleece and Bill McQueen for their recognition by The Best Lawyers in America
Congratulations to Jay Fleece and Bill McQueen for their recognition by The Best Lawyers in America in Trusts and Estates Litigation and Estate Planning! Best Lawyers is the oldest and most respected peer review publication in the legal profession. Recognition in Best Lawyers is widely regarded by both clients and legal professionals as a significant honor,… Read More »