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Author Archives: Jay Butchko


How To Avoid A Contested Will In Florida

By Legacy Protection, LLP |

Many people know that creating a will is one of the best ways to protect their loved ones in the event that they pass away. However, simply creating a will is not always enough. There are times when relatives, creditors, business partners, and even children can contest the will if they believe it is… Read More »

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The Danger Of Using DIY Estate Planning Forms

By Legacy Protection, LLP |

It is easy enough today to conduct a Google search for last will and testaments and other estate planning forms. You may consider printing them, filling them out, and even having them notarized. Many people take these same steps in order to create an estate plan in an affordable and convenient manner. Unfortunately, there… Read More »

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What Happens To Your Car When You Pass Away?

By Legacy Protection, LLP |

Many people assume that when they pass away, all of the assets they own must go through the probate process. Fortunately, this is not always true. When a person passes away, some assets do not have to go through the probate process to be transferred to the beneficiary, and in some situations, vehicles are… Read More »

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Do You Need To Draft A New Will After Getting Married?

By Legacy Protection, LLP |

Drafting a will while you are single is a very responsible and important thing to do. However, you may have created that will years ago and now you have gotten married. Congratulations are certainly in order, but you may also be wondering if this life change means you should draft a new will. As… Read More »

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Four Important Elements To Your Durable Power Of Attorney

By Legacy Protection, LLP |

A durable power of attorney (DPOA) will give someone you trust the authority to manage your legal and financial affairs as you get older. If you are ever deemed incapacitated and cannot make decisions on your own, a DPOA allows the named individual to make legal and financial decisions for you. Unfortunately, a DPOA… Read More »

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Estate Planning For A Loved One With A Disability

By Legacy Protection, LLP |

The importance of having an estate plan cannot be overemphasized, regardless of your personal situation. Everyone has assets they would like to protect in the event that they pass away, and most people have loved ones they would like to designate as beneficiaries, or heirs. If you have a loved one with a disability,… Read More »

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Can A Will Alone Help Your Loved Ones Avoid Probate?

By Legacy Protection, LLP |

Many people know the importance of creating a last will and testament. A will can outline your last wishes and indicate who you would like to receive your property when you pass away, and even include who you would like to assign as guardian of your children. Drafting a will is very important, and… Read More »

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Seven Common Estate Planning Mistakes

By Legacy Protection, LLP |

Creating a will, trust, and other documents in the event that you become incapacitated are all very important steps when you embark on planning for your estate. Unfortunately, there are also many mistakes you can make along the way and these can impact you during your life, or your loved ones after you pass… Read More »

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Busting Common Myths About Estate Planning In Florida

By Legacy Protection, LLP |

Many people know how important estate planning is for the future of themselves and their families. However, there are many misconceptions surrounding the process, the tools available, and who needs it. Below, our St. Petersburg estate planning lawyer outlines the biggest myths surrounding the process, and the truth behind them. Estate Planning is Not… Read More »

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What Do Prenups Have To Do With Your Estate Plan? A Lot!

By Legacy Protection, LLP |

When considering estate planning or prenuptial agreements, you may not think one has much to do with the other. However, that is not true. A prenuptial agreement is a contract that outlines how your assets will be divided between you and your spouse in the event of divorce or death. An estate plan dictates… Read More »

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