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What Does Joint Tenancy Mean And Why Does It Matter To Florida Landowners?

By Legacy Protection, LLP |

Paying off a home mortgage is something many Americans work toward for many years. Those who can make that final payment do so with a sigh of relief. Whether or not you own your home outright, you can legally transfer your property interests to your spouse or another person after your death while avoiding… Read More »

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Tips for Estate Planning When You Or a Loved One Has a Chronic Illness

By Legacy Protection, LLP |

If you or a loved one has suffered from a chronic illness, you know how physically, emotionally, and financially draining life can become. Whether you are taking care of yourself or caring for a loved one, managing a chronic illness takes a lot of energy and time. Those with chronic diseases must manage visiting… Read More »

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Most Americans Do Not Have Adequate Retirement Savings

By Legacy Protection, LLP |

With our busy day to day lives, it’s easy for Americans to not think about long-term care planning in Florida. It’s human nature to believe that things will go on as they usually do. A recent study showed that 75% of Americans don’t have long-term care insurance. Over half of those without long-term health… Read More »

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Should My High School Graduate Have a Durable Power of Attorney?

By Legacy Protection, LLP |

Parents work incredibly hard. You’ve cared for, clothed, fed, protected, and encouraged your child who just graduated from high school. Perhaps your child is heading off to university far away, joining the military or staying at home to figure out what comes next. In any case, it is wise to consider what legal documents… Read More »

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Estate Planning for Small Business Owners

By Legacy Protection, LLP |

If you own a business, you know what it’s like to sacrifice your time and energy to build your company. You’ve worked hard to create an successful business and source of income for you and your family. What will happen to your Florida small business upon your death? Having a business estate plan can… Read More »

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What Is a Florida Revocable Trust and Do You Need One?

By Legacy Protection, LLP |

More than half of Americans do not have any estate planning documents in place. However, even if they have a Last Will & Testament as their primary estate planning document, their estate still will be subject to Florida probate courts. Entrusting your life savings and assets to a probate court comes with a host… Read More »

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Three Estate Planning Tips for Newlyweds

By Legacy Protection, LLP |

Congratulations on your upcoming or recent marriage! You’ve spent time and care planning your wedding and honeymoon, and now is a great time to evaluate your estate plans. Now that you’ve legally joined your lives, it makes sense to have a comprehensive Florida estate plan that addresses both of your estates and any join… Read More »

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How to Help Your Aging Parents Manage Their Finances

By Legacy Protection, LLP |

Around 15% of the population is over age 65. Between 2014 and 2015, the number of citizens aged 65 and older grew by 1.6 million people, according to the United States Census Bureau. With the population of aging Americans growing, it is crucial to consider the best way to support one’s aging parents. Adults… Read More »

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Do I Need To Update My Estate Plans When I Move to Florida?

By Legacy Protection, LLP |

If you’re moving to Florida or considering a move to Florida, you may be wondering if you will need to update your estate planning documents after you move. Maybe you haven’t put together an estate plan, but the thought of your upcoming move is spurring you on to consider putting one together. Whatever your… Read More »

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How to Create an Advance Directives in Florida

By Legacy Protection, LLP |

Do you have an advance directive in place? According to a Reuters report of nearly 800,000 Americans, over 37% of Americans have no advance directives for their end-of-life care if they become incapacitated or seriously ill. There are many reasons why having an advance directive in place should you become incapacitated. Advance directives are… Read More »

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