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How Do DNA Kits Affect An Estate Plan?

By Legacy Protection, LLP |

DNA kits available from companies such as 23 and Me and Ancestry are becoming very popular today. With just one swab a person can find their genealogical and hereditary information, family history, and even long-lost relatives. Although these services do provide a great deal of value, they also pose their own challenges when estate… Read More »

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Necessary Estate Planning Documents For Single Parents

By Legacy Protection, LLP |

As a single parent, your life is very busy. You have work, your child’s extracurricular activities and school, and more. Even if you are co-parenting with another adult, life is still very hectic, and if you are not, it may feel chaotic at times. In the shuffle of life, it can become easy to… Read More »

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What Rights Does A Surviving Spouse Have In Florida?

By Legacy Protection, LLP |

A person’s estate may have to go through the probate process regardless of whether they did or did not have a will. When an estate has to go through probate, surviving spouses of the deceased are given certain rights under Florida law. This is especially important when the deceased had children from a previous… Read More »

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5 Ways The Lack Of Privacy In Probate Can Hurt Your Heirs

By Legacy Protection, LLP |

There are many reasons people create an estate plan that will help their heirs avoid the probate process. Some want to make sure their beneficiaries receive their inheritance faster, while others want to protect their loved ones from the cost. One reason to avoid probate that is often overlooked is to keep matters concerning… Read More »

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Why Young Parents Should Start Estate Planning Now

By Legacy Protection, LLP |

It is a common misconception that estate planning is only for the elderly or the very wealthy. Anyone who has loved ones they want to protect in the event they pass away must have an estate plan in place to ensure that protection is provided for. Young parents often think they do not need… Read More »

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Estate Planning Considerations For Same-Sex Couples

By Legacy Protection, LLP |

Regardless of whether you are in a committed relationship or married, estate planning does not only entail what will happen if you pass away, but for what will happen during your lifetime, as well. Comprehensive estate planning is the only way to make sure yourself and your loved ones are protected. White the U.S…. Read More »

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Two Important Tips When Estate Planning For An Autistic Loved One

By Legacy Protection, LLP |

After a loved one is diagnosed with autism, you have many things to consider. One that you may overlook is your estate plan, but this is perhaps one of the most important. Without proper planning in place, your loved one may not have the future legal, financial, or medical foundation they will need in… Read More »

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How To Avoid A Contested Will In Florida

By Legacy Protection, LLP |

Many people know that creating a will is one of the best ways to protect their loved ones in the event that they pass away. However, simply creating a will is not always enough. There are times when relatives, creditors, business partners, and even children can contest the will if they believe it is… Read More »

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The Danger Of Using DIY Estate Planning Forms

By Legacy Protection, LLP |

It is easy enough today to conduct a Google search for last will and testaments and other estate planning forms. You may consider printing them, filling them out, and even having them notarized. Many people take these same steps in order to create an estate plan in an affordable and convenient manner. Unfortunately, there… Read More »

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What Happens To Your Car When You Pass Away?

By Legacy Protection, LLP |

Many people assume that when they pass away, all of the assets they own must go through the probate process. Fortunately, this is not always true. When a person passes away, some assets do not have to go through the probate process to be transferred to the beneficiary, and in some situations, vehicles are… Read More »

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